1. Sweet potatoes vegetables.
This kind of vegetable is very unique and special for a pregnant woman.This kind of vegetable its full of vitamin A and high amount of potassium can be found from this vegetables.
2. Green peas vegetables.
This kind of vegetable is also very important for a pregnant woman, Green peas its full of vitamin K. All woman with that situation are supported to use this kind of vegetables.
3. Tomatoes vegetable.
Special diet for a pregnant woman must containing tomatoes vegetable. Tomatoes have high concentration of vitamin c.
4. Avocados.
Avocados is very rich with vitamin and high concentration of vitamin k and vitamin B12. Avocados help more the brain and the growth of baby tissues.
From the four points above proves that vegetables are very important to human health. Its better to plant vegetable in all environments in our places and surrounding vegetable are very important, this prove that with absence of vegetable its impossible to have nice heath and pregnancy.